Mathematics Major

Major or Minor

Join our tight-knit community of scholars seeking to apply mathematical knowledge, skills, and thinking to serve God and his people. Your mathematics degree studies at Bethel will include a strong focus on analytical and communication skills, preparing you for careers in every sector of the modern economy, from data analysis and finance to healthcare and technology.

Want to know more about Math-centric careers? See the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.

Interested in advanced study? Graduates of Bethel’s mathematics program go on to complete advanced degrees in Data Science, Actuarial Science, pure and applied mathematics and related fields.

Bethel University academics psychology


committed to applying mathematical knowledge, skills and thinking to serving God and people.


success rate for graduates pursuing advanced degrees in mathematics-related fields.


the projected job growth rate: 29% in math-related fields vs 7.7% in overall fields (Source USBLS)

Top 3%

score on the ETS Major Field Exam in Math nationwide. (2024)

Mathematics Major

Bachelor of Arts (BA) Program – 4 years

  • Freshman Mathematics Seminar – Consider the wide worlds of pure and applied mathematics along with their rich history and bright future. Consider how mathematics and faith interact, and how developing YOUR mathematical skills can allow you to contribute to the Kingdom of God and the betterment of your community.
  • Calculus and Differential Equations – Derivatives, integrals, multi-dimensional thinking – this is the language of applied mathematics and the toolbox for modelling real-world systems through continuous functions.
  • Mathematical Theory and Proof – Focus on what it means to think mathematically, beyond the computations of algebra and calculus. How is math useful in formulating logical arguments and investigating questions thoroughly?
  • Discrete Math, Probability and Statistics – Gain a foundation in counting theory and probability, preparing for careers in cryptography, risk analysis, or actuarial science.
  • Modern Algebra, Analysis and Geometry – Deepen your understanding of mathematics, hone your ability to formulate mathematical arguments, and prepare for advanced study.

Those interested in Actuarial Science are encouraged to major in Mathematics and minor (or double major) in Economics. Department faculty offer exam prep assistance for P and FM through existing courses (e.g. MATH252) and special topics courses (MATH329, 402). In cooperation with Economics faculty and industry partners, we have created a four-year plan for well-prepared students to double major in Math and Economics.

Mathematics Minor

A flexible subset of courses from the major introduces you to the breadth of mathematics while giving you a firm foundation in calculus and mathematical thinking. The minor is ideal for students majoring in science, philosophy, computer science, science education, economics – or any field!  

Study of mathematics gives excellent preparation for careers in:

  • Actuarial Science, Data Analytics, Compliance and Logistics
  • Economics, Finance and Financial Advising 
  • The National Security Agency (NSA) or the Department of Defense (DoD)
  • Biostatistics and Biomedical Research
  • Law, Medicine or Engineering

You’ll gain career-shaping skills such as:

  • Problem-solving: Analyze problems from multiple points of view, strategize, and apply (or invent) effective techniques to create solutions.
  • Logical reasoning: Critique and construct rigorous arguments.
  • Technical communication: Present technical ideas in a compelling manner, clearly and concisely, orally and in writing.
  • Spiritual development: Deepen and expand faith by considering how mathematics and faith relate and how we use mathematical thinking, knowledge, and skills to serve God and the world.
19.03.27 Bethel strong academics

Mathematics Major Highlights

Discover the relevance and application of mathematics in the modern world, develop your problem solving, logical reasoning, and technical communication skills and learn to apply them for the benefit of our communities and the Kingdom of God. The mathematics program will prepare you for careers in industry and for graduate study in pure and applied mathematics.

Also Consider These Areas of Study

As you’re pursuing a career in mathematics, you may also look at the following degrees:

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Financial Aid

Bethel Scholarships & Aid

  • Department aid/grader work-study opportunities available
  • Tutoring opportunities available through Academic Services
  • Merit-based departmental awards and scholarships

Take the Next Step

Take the first step toward your Bethel University degree in mathematics. Visit campus, apply, request information or ask questions about financial aid.