American Sign Language Major


The American Sign Language degree is an introduction to American Sign Language and the deaf community. This major can supplement students in other human service bachelor programs, such as education and nursing, where interpersonal relationships might benefit from the ability to communicate directly with a deaf person.

students talking


of ASL and Interpreting classes include Deaf teachers or co-teachers


student-to-faculty ratio


of students receive some form of financial assistance

American Sign Language Major

Associate of Arts (AA) Program – 2 years

Courses will include:

  • Interpreting for chapel
  • Interpreting for tours and role-plays
  • Interpreting for theater productions
  • Interpreting for nursing simulations

Prepare for an exciting future:

  • As an aid for a Deaf classroom
  • As a missionary
  • In acting
  • In any field interaction with Deaf individuals

You’ll gain career-shaping skills such as:

  • ASL (American Sign Language) grammar and structures
  • Use of ASL classifiers
  • Using signing space
  • Non-manual markers
  • ASL mouth morphemes
  • How to become an ally to d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing people
  • Essentials of Deaf Culture
  • How to work with and communicate directly with the d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing people in your community and workplace
  • Appropriate communication in Deaf spaces
Academic graduation helm

American Sign Language Major Highlights

The American Sign Language degree is an introduction to American Sign Language and the Deaf community. This major can supplement students in other human service bachelor programs, such as education and nursing, where interpersonal relationships might benefit from the ability to communicate directly with a Deaf person.

Also Consider These Areas of Study

As you’re thinking about a degree in American Sign Language, you may consider these other areas of study along with it:

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