Degree Search Tool

We have 50+ majors, minors and pre-professional programs (like pre-med) to get you ready for your future! We offer on campus, online and hybrid programs.

How to use Degree Search Tool

To find exactly what you are looking for, try filtering by Area of Concentration and/or Level of Degree or type the area of interest into the search box. Once you select your area of interest, you will see if classes are on campus, online or a hybrid.

Concentration "Music" + Degree "B.A." + Search "blank"
Concentration "Religion" + Degree "All" + Search "blank"
Concentration "All" + Degree "All" + Search = "Biology"

Or go to program pages:

Choose Area of Concentration

&/Or Choose Degree or Degree Level

education field work

Family Studies

Minor, Undergraduate

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Student Life Global


Major, Minor, Undergraduate, Bachelor of Arts

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