Lydia Lovan ’22

by | Nov 14, 2022

Bethel University’s interpreting program did an excellent job of preparing me for an interpreting career. In a nutshell, I would not be where I am today without my time at Bethel!

I am a staff interpreter for Alabama Institute for the Deaf and Blind in Birmingham, Ala. I love working at the regional center because it provides a variety of interpreting situations, but most of the time, I interpret in medical settings. Since AIDB is a statewide organization, there are many opportunities to travel for conferences and other Deaf-related events. So I will never be bored here! AIDB has 10 regions throughout the state meaning I can network with many other interpreters who are all extremely supportive of each other’s growth and success. I love my job and am so grateful to work here!

I appreciate the time professors invested in me to improve my skills, and their encouragement gave me the motivation to push myself every day. The professors provided many opportunities for hands-up interpreting practice both in and out of class and always gave me feedback on how I did.