Bethel University hosts two-day event for admitted students

by | Mar 1, 2024

Incoming admitted students for the 2024-25 school year will join their future classmates and connect on a deeper level with the Bethel community during this special invitation-only overnight visit. They’ll have an opportunity to make new friends and get a jump start on university life. Parents are welcome to attend informational meetings at the end of the event on Friday. Registration closes on March 11.

Throughout the event, students will meet with professors and register for their first two classes, worship with the Bethel community during chapel, observe a class, enjoy meals in the Dining Commons, experience dorm life by spending the night and envision their future as a Bethel Pilot. Along with their parents, they will learn about financial aid and scholarships as well as take part in a guided campus tour.

Meals and entrance to all campus activities are free of charge. Sign up now at